Thursday 22 October 2009

teaser trailer 1

This is the trailer for Saw 6, straight away we know we are watching a horror trailer by the darkness and the screams. The repitition of grammatical structures is a give away to the movie, 6 chances, 6 lessons, 6 choices, then finally Saw 6, this language device is used for emphasis, memory and emotion. The teaser is not just clips of the film, its made specifically for the trailer with special effects, they have a big budget, which is essential to please the demanding Saw fanatics.
The producers of the film can get away with doing very little in the trailer in terms of introducing the film because it being a sequel means the films already have a strong fan base, there is no dialogue and no voice-over, the visuals speak for themselves.
As soon as the trailer begins we hear this repetitive tension-building music that resembles a train going along a track, the music gets louder and more dramatic as the trailer progresses to really build up the tension, then 'Saw 6' lands on the screen as the loud music comes to its last note. Amongst this, we can women screaming, a dead giveaway to the genre of the film.

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