Tuesday, 23 February 2010

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Above is a still of our project on Final Cut Pro. As you can see there is quite a lot going on visually, as this still is taken from towards the end of the trailer where the pace is very fast to create suspense. You can also see where we have used fade in/out at the beginning and end of clips. In our trailer there is often more than one noise going on at once and sometimes they would overlap, which you can see from the picture above.

I found this program quite hard to get the hang of, but once I had, it was fairly straight forward. I found it   really interesting to see how trailers are made and all the different effects that can be used, such as slowing down/speeding up a clip, changing the colours, fade in/fade out etc.

1 comment:

  1. This is too brief. Remember it is A2 - you are expected to go into detail on using some of these technologies, and to evaluate how useful they were. For example, you could upload a still of your FCP timeline and discuss what is going on it in, or look at the issues around getting your music through creative commons copyright websites, or write about the advantages/disadvantages of using blogger and filckr to undertake your final evaluation,
