Wednesday 24 February 2010

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

From my audience feedback, there was a shared opinion that we had overused the photoshoot sequence where we see the binary oppositions of models and death, although some people were in favour of these. The audience also felt that the soundtrack only worked up until the shot of the killer in the rear-view mirror. Afterwards, when the pace of the teaser trailer increased, the soundtrack didn't work and didn't build up enough. Some even suggested that the soundtrack was a little flat and that there should be some dialogue. The shot of the eye closing at the end was not popular with everybody as they felt that it didn't really fit in with the sequence. Someone also commented on the 'Skin Deep' inter-title, saying that it wasn't clear enough.
However, we did recieve a lot of positive feedback. The mise-en-scene seemed to be popular with everyone, they liked the darkness and the forrest location, someone even picked up on the link between beauty growing and the forrest blooming. Some of our shots and angles were praised, the shot of hand dragging along the floor, the axe going into a tree, the clip of the girl running and the camera shaking while it follows closely her and then appears in front of her, the killer coming out from behind the tree when the girl is tied to it, the close-ups of the girls that are tied up - the blood and rain on their faces makes it look like they're sweating, the mobile phone sequence with the close-up of the text message and then reaction shot, and shot of the killer in the rear-view mirror. Someone commented on the the sentence that we split in two for our inter-titles, "beauty is only skin deep.." "a knife goes in deeper" saying that they liked the way we had taken a cliche phrase and twisted it. Our teacher said that the beginning of our trailer with the driving sequence and the car screeching to a halt looks like it could be a professional production and that the continuity was very good. I think from our feedback it would seem that it worked as a teaser trailer, and that most of the class were intrigued enough to go and see it. I feel that if we had managed our time better/had more time we could have improved our trailer, especially the sound. Due to the heavy snow over our filming period it was hard to get the shots because our location (the forrest) was covered in snow, so that set us back a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Did the audience think it worked as a teaser trailer? ie did they want to go and see the movie or find out more about it? Were they intrigued? Did you get the balance right?
