Friday 26 February 2010

Preparation for our horror teaser trailer

To prepare for our horror trailer we had a lesson in which we learnt how to create fake wounds and how to make injuries look real. The lesson began by watching several horror film sequences where fake blood is used.

We learnt:

  • fake bleeding
  • how to fake being sick
  • how to hide the impact of punches
  •  and other methods to make it look like someone is being hurt by a weapon

We used grenadine syrup which is usually used in cocktails and therefore it wouldn't be a problem if got in someones mouth. It makes a good fake blood as it has a thick texture and doesn't dry up. To create a fake wound, a layer of latex is put on the skin to outline the shape of the cut. This dries up and more layers can be added. Eyeliner or another black substance can then be added to the centre of the cut to make it look infected and dirty. The fake blood is then added on top.

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